Goodness, but people can be such optimists, can't they?
People get so optimistic and what comes of it? They get engaged and then comes the awful necessity of attending their weddings. Here’s the point: you can send them wedding cards to celebrate their engagement. And often, if you send the right wrong card, you can get out of the whole obligation of having to be there. Of course if things pan out between the lucky couple then in about a year you’ll wind up needing to send one of these Baby Ecards to them as well.
Optimists, I say.
On re-hash Wednesdays I like to post an older card that many of you might not have seen and then I devote the rest of the day to raising money for Ann and Mitt Romney's charity, 'Children Without Skiis'. If I happen to meet a rich society lady at one of these functions and that leads to me getting married and entering the 'We Don't Pay Taxes' class, then ... no really, it's about the kids...
Occasionally I get invited to weddings. My view about weddings is that there are plenty of cheaper ways of getting your hands on cake. It's not hard to shoplift cake but you do want to line your pockets with zip-lock bags. If ever asked why you can't attend a wedding shove a handful of cake in your mouth. Gives you time to think. Saw it done at a Pentagon press briefing once. True story.