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Dark Humor Ecards

I know it might surprise many to find signs of dark humor at Wrongcards. Normally, when we want tasteless material, we go to Hallmark; they have all sorts of deranged filth over there. Still, with Wrongcards being such a serious website overall, I thought – why not throw a few dark jokes into the mix? You know, ‘black comedy’ reminds me of the time I went drinking with Bill Cosby. Wait, I had a joke for this. God-damn it, I’ve forgotten it. Much like I’ve forgotten the entire afternoon I went drinking with Bill Cosby. I seem to remember we were talking about black humour, then everything gets a bit dark. I’m going to be honest with you – my point here eludes me. Something about making dark jokes. Well, if you’re into that sort of thing, here’s some ecards for you. One last thing, this category includes celebrity ecards, political ecards and the general mish-mash of things you’ll read about in the news. There’s an OCD, for anyone who is sufficently obsessive-compulsive to have read this far.

Political Satire Ecard with text: Maybe I wouldn't have been infected with a woke mind virus if more people had worn masks.

woke mind virus

My recent diagnosis (turns out I have a mind virus) was a bit of a surprise. I'd just been saying something like, 'wouldn't it be nice if everybody felt equal', and wham! Apparently mind viruses are everwhere now. Good news is Elon is working on a brain implant, so I'm not too worried.

Political Satire

Dark Humor Ecard with text: Arming the teachers 101. Step 1, when teacher's back is turned, clock them over the head with a stapler. Step 2, take their firearm. Now you're an angry adolescent with a gun. Conclusion: the NRA is basically clown school.

arm the teachers

People are always talking about their right to own a gun; they never talk about MY right to own a gun. If I owned a gun I'd be shooting it all the time. Double-parked cars. The occasional jet ski. This bus driver who closed the door as I was about to get on, who I chased for two miles on foot. The real reason I shouldn't have a gun is how much I want one. And also how much I want a bazooka.

Dark Humor

Olympics Ecard with text: A picture of a the Olympic Rings as bio-hazards.


I would just like to congratulate Wrongcards for becoming the unofficial official (or official unofficial) ecard creators for this year's Olympics. Winning the contract was tricky - I had to drink half a gallon of green water that they shipped to me - but it wasn't so bad. Who needs to be able to see the color yellow, anyway? Have guys ever seen that awesome Vin Diesel movie where he used street racing knowledge to steal a bank safe? That movie was set in Brazil. If I watch it again, would that make me over-prepared to make these cards? I mean, by American NBC commentator standards?


Political Satire Ecard with text: I am sorry that you think it is impolite to talk about politics, especially while the country is going to Hell in a Handbasket due to the widespread political ignorance that has arisen from so many people thinking that is impolite to talk about politics.

hell in a handbasket

I was not, as I mentioned once in a wrongcard, put on Earth to help people feel good about being wrong. But who am I, really? Just your average guy, really, just a regular boy who happens to have an invisible blood-soaked hammer of logic welded to his right hand. I like girls and nutmeg cake. I collect wasps, and destroy traitors and hypocrites with my mind. I'm not complicated.

Political Satire

OCD Ecard with text: Black Mold. It often lives undetected in houses. According to a 1999 study at the Mayo Clinc, Black MOld is the cause of nearly all chronic sinus infection. It can cause headaches, depression, hair loss, nosebleeds, and death. So faor the love of God, clean the damned house before you kill us all!

black mold

I'm not the tidiest person but that doesn't mean my friends shouldn't be. Sometimes I'll go over to a mate's place and think: how nice that you feel comfortable enough not to clean up before I arrive. So I tell them what Black Mold is. Ten minutes later they'll be disinfecting the linoleum under the fridge while I watch on, eating all the biscuits. You see, I have always liked biscuits.


OCD Ecard with text: No text, just a field of black boxes and one that is irritatingly tilted.

black box

Obsessive compulsive disorder is a silent killer - mostly of bacteria and household germs. Not that I would make light of a disorder that my ideal house-cleaner would have, but it is OCD Awareness Week, you know. I think. Maybe it's in January. Look, they won't mind. I created a new category of cards for OCD week anyway. Just in case it's, like, now.


Dark Humor Ecard with text: I will call the feminist project a success when women no longer ask men to empty mouse traps.

feminist project

As a man I've always considered myself a feminist, I think it's because women look really nice. One of the great triumphs of feminism, I think, was getting women out of those uncomfortable shoes that made them really irritable. Do you know how many men went deaf from being screamed at by uncomfortably shod women? Two bazillion. Trust me, I'm very good with statistics.

Dark Humor

Dark Humor Ecard with text: The world's most powerful government has has designated you as both a terror target and a terror suspect. This means you do not have the right to utter the phrase 'i am bored' ever again.

terror suspect

When the doctor told me about Messianic Personality Disorder I held up my finger and said 'to define is to limit'. And I thanked him for naming a disorder after me and that I would regard it as a lifetime achievement award. He then said it wasn't named after me, which I suppose means I don't have it. Psychiatry is still just a theory I guess.

Dark Humor

Celebrity Ecard with text: This is not how Stephen Hawking rolls.

stephen hawking

I forgot I'd created a 'celebrity' category so I thought I'd do a card for it. This one is about Stephen Hawking. I like him allot but disagree with him about black holes; though I suppose my 'bird droppings on the lenses of telescopes' idea is still only a theorem too. As you know, the jury is still out on science but I am making scientific friends just in case they turn out to be right.


Dark Humor Ecard with text: Maybe Jesus wouldn't have avoided us so much in the last 2000 years if we hadn't kept ritualistically eating his corpse.

catholic vegetarian

My Grandmother taught me everything there is to know about world religions, ie. lizards from space have infiltrated all world governments, we're part of the resistance, and all other religious beliefs are crazy. She taught me to be tolerant, and believe in all religions, except when they contradict the stuff about lizards because that's just CIA disinformation to test our faith. Hi Nanna!

Dark Humor

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