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Missing You Ecards

Sometimes people we like very much abandon us for their own selfish pursuits, taking vacations or business trips without caring if we will feel lonely. In which case you should first pawn their valuables to teach them a lesson. And because they haven’t adequately prioritized your needs for entertainment and diversion, you should start guilt-tripping them right away. When they know how much they have wronged you they will soon return home in apologetic tears. How long it takes you to forgive them for abandoning you is up to you. So send them a Missing You Card to get the ball rolling now.

Missing You Ecard with text: I miss you but on the upside I at least have a lot more time to get in touch with my OWN body.

upside of missing you

I'm not ashamed to admit it: I'm a man and sometimes I have emotions. When Bunheads got canceled I went into a bit of a dark place. I dragged most of my furniture into the backyard and burned it all in a cold rage, and grew a beard for a while. Downton Abbey reruns made me feel whole again. You know what? I'm dedicating today's card to you. And to Bunheads.

Missing You

Missing You Ecard with text: I need you back with me, I've started eating mice again.

i need you back

People throw about the phrase 'a cry for help' pretty loosely in society these days - it's easy to get confused. I used to think wearing gumboots while not working in an agricultural capacity was a cry for help. See? If I can get confused, anyone can. Today's rehash Wednesday card is kind of a cry for help but trust me: for best results set a divan on fire.

Missing You

Missing You Ecard with text: I miss you. Do you think I WANT to have no choice but to break a plate every day until you come home just to get my point across?


Today's card is a Missing You Wrongcard. And I believe that it would probably be endorsed by the American Psychiatric Association but I can't get through to them again this morning - they keep changing their phone number.

Missing You

Missing You Ecard with text: I miss you when you go away and sincerely hope you have a rotten time.

sincerest hopes

You know how you can care for a person but they still occasionally leave your side to travel, for work or vacation or some other stupid, self-centered reason? I made this card for people like that. They may not deserve us sending them cards but we should try to show them that we can rise above their general lack of consideration.

Missing You

Missing You Ecard with text: Why are you far, far away pursuing your own selfish interests when you should be HERE helping me feel good about myself?

selfish interests


Missing You

Missing You Ecard with text: I miss you.And now Ive brutally stabbed even my closest imaginary friends in a fit of pique Im feeling REALLY alone. This blood is also imaginary. Don't even worry about it.

getting stabby


Missing You

Missing You Ecard with text: I miss you and it makes me feel terribly terribly vulnerable So I carry a chainsaw around with me and feel a lot better about things overall.

feeling terribly sad


Missing You

Missing You Ecard with text: telling you that other people suck at giving foot massages is just my way of saying 'i miss you'...

foot massages


Missing You

Missing You Ecard with text: I miss you and you should come home soon because i am really freaking myself out here.

freaking myself out


Missing You

Missing You Ecard with text: i miss you and i hate that you can't be here. who can i kill to make this pain go away?

who can i kill


Missing You

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