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page 7

Holiday Ecards

Thanksgiving Ecard with text: I am willing to praise the teachings of Chairman Mao if it will kept keep Thanksgiving interesting.

keep it interesting

On Wednesdays I like to post an older card and then spend the rest of the day not setting fire to things. Honestly I can't even remember the last time I even TRIED to summon a glorious, whirling chaos demon via the profane rites of fire worship. I promise you: my stamp collection is becoming pretty rad.


Thanksgiving Ecard with text: This Thanksgiving I plan on being thankful for my ancestor's genetic resistance to small pox.

simple genetics

I watch TV, so I consider myself pretty well-informed. So I know that Thanksgiving started in America but, like baseball, it just hasn't really taken off anywhere else. When you're saying what you're grateful for, remember to keep it random. 'I'm thankful for surviving the Walrus Incident' should keep them guessing.


Halloween Ecard with text: Every year my stupid voodoo-obsessed cat starts prophesying your death. Next time I'm getting one that's a nihilist.

nihilist cat

On Wednesdays I like to post an older card and then spend the rest of the day trying to convince a single individual that I am some kind of imaginary friend that only they can see.


Halloween Ecard with text: Let's get dressed up as suburban parents, knock on doors and ask if the candy is gluten-free.

suburban halloween

The creepiest thing about Halloween is how it ritualistically teaches children to accept candy from strangers. The second creepy thing is that processed sugars are harmful and addictive substances that people just give to children anyway. The third creepy thing is that there's a goddamn skeleton covered in slightly damp meat, reading these words. What. I have to be the only one who's unsettled?


Father's Day Ecard with text: Happy Father's Day, even if we don't have much in common other than an early interest in my Mother's breasts.


Look over your shoulder - is somebody there? If not, quietly click on the link and look upon the Wrongcard that you won't be sending your Dad for Father's Day. Then - close the window and try not to think about it too much.

Father's Day

Mother's Day Ecard with text: Thank you for not sending me down a river in a basket made from reeds so that I might be found by a Childless Queen and raised in that strange, distant realm to be a great and terrible leader of men.

childless queen

I'm not allowed to celebrate Mother's Day with Mother, so each year I make a life-sized doll, you see, and I sit with her at the table and we make tea and I bring her favorite cigarettes and liquorice. When it is over I take her outside and set her on fire. Without traditions we would all be lost.

Mother's Day

Mother's Day Ecard with text: I'll bet Mother's Day at King Oedipus' house could get awkward.

even oedipus

With Mother's Day looming I thought it best that we all take a moment to appreciate the fact that Fate did not turn our life arcs into some kind of sick cosmic joke. Of course, I hope I'm not being presumptuous here.

Mother's Day

Easter Greetings Ecard with text: At Easter it is considered traditional to receive spiritual guidance from celibate men in frocks who like to be lenient about men who sleep with children.

frocked up

I hope it's not too soon to post this. I like Easter because it is all a relatively safe topic and I generally run much less risk of accidentally saying something controversial. Happy Thursday everyone!

Easter Greetings

St Patricks's Day Ecard with text: In order for me to actually enjoy St Patricks Day, I have to take all the potatoes away from you.

enjoy stpatricks day

I'm in Boston and that means I'm obliged to get falling-down-drunk with friends on St Patrick's Day. Ireland's nationalist movement needs a good, alcoholic kick once a year, and if I have to wake up in a pool of someone else's vomit, so be it. I'll do anything for a good cause. Oh, today's card? Sorry Irish people.

St Patricks's Day

Christmas Ecard with text: Merry Christmas Etcetera. But I am not buying you a present because I don't like to sneak around and do things behind your back.

christmas sneaking

Whenever I create a potentially useful Wrongcard part of my soul dies. It never happens intentionally I swear.
